- Departments by region
- Astana
- Almaty
- Ulytau Region
- Zhetysu Region
- Шымкент
- Abay region
- Akmola region
- Aktobe region
- Almaty region
- Atyrau region
- East Kazakhstan region
- Zhambyl region
- West Kazakhstan region
- Karagandy region
- Kostanay region
- Kyzylorda region
- Mangistau region
- Pavlodar region
- North Kazakhstan region
- South Kazakhstan region
Main menu
- Аbout us
- Activity
- Information systems
- Reference Books
- Statistics
- Lists of payers
- List of shamcompanies
- List of notifications
- The list of payers having debts related to customs payments, taxes and fines
- Сделки, признанные недействительными на основании решения суда
- Списки несостоятельных должников
- Список иностранных компаний осуществляющих электронную торговлю товарами, оказание услуг в электронной форме физическим лицам
- Список налогоплательщиков, перерегистрация которых признана недействительной
- Список определенных категорий должников, не погашающих задолженность длительное время
- About implementation of Five reforms "100 steps"
- Customs administration
- Проведение ПТДС после выпуска товаров
- Customs Clearance
- Individuals
- Legal entity
- Сlassification and origin of goods
- Clarification on the classification of goods
- Collection of agreements to determine the country of origin of goods
- Collection of decisions on the classification of goods
- Decisions of the College of the Eurasian Economic Comission
- Decisions of the Joint Board of Customs Services of the Member States of the Customs Union on the classification of goods
- Legal acts on classification issues
- The Common Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union and the Common Customs Tariff of the Customs Union
- Customs control
- Система управления рисками
- Questions anti-corruption
- The world bank
- legalization
- Legalization to the current date
- Phones of commissions for legalization
- All about legalization
- Questions and answers
- Results of the last legalization in the country
- Legalization 2014 – differences
- Legalization is beneficial, both for citizens and for the country
- Legalization without fear of being prosecuted
- Legalization is not a novelty in the world economy
- Legalization, in particular, is simplifying the procedure of state registration
- A little bit about the legalization of property
- About the order of legalization of property in Kazakhstan
- Legislation about legalization
- Tax administration
- The list of administrative-territorial units with coverage of mobile networks, the network of JSC "Altel" for CMC
- The use of POS-terminals
- The list of large taxpayers subject to monitoring
- Возврат превышения НДС
- Coefficient of the tax burden
- Customs union
- Excise
- Payment Deferral on Imports from Third Countries
- Subsoil Use
- Tax audits
- Taxation of foreign companies
- Taxation of non-residents
- The list of participants in the Pilot project
- Горизонтальный мониторинг
- Трансфертное ценообразование
- Международное сотрудничество
- Interactive map
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Заключения, эксперные оценки, рекомендации и другие аналитические материалы международных организаций по вопросам деятельности государственных органов
- Иная информация в сфере международного сотрудничества
- Международные договоры и программы
- Международные договоры и соглашения
- Международные организации
- Work order
- For citizens
- International automatic exchange
- Results of the activites of the SRC of the Ministry of finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan on improving tax and customs administration
- Единый совокупный платеж
- Маркировка
- Трехкомпонентная интегрированная система
- Администрирование цифровых активов
- Электронная торговля
- Legislation of the Republic of the Kazakhstan
- Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- The Tax Code of the RK
- Code of the RK "On Customs Affairs in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Кодекс РК «Об административных правонарушениях»
- Commentary on the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Tax reporting form
- Normative legal acts
- Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy
- Digitalization
- Electronic invoices
- User guide
- API-интерфейс
- Accompanying bill of Lading for goods
- Documents on the IS of the ESF
- Information materials on the system
- Legislation
- Mobile application
- Support Service information system of electronic invoices
- Test stand information system of electronic invoices
- Virtual Warehouse
- Пилоттық жоба
- List of persons subject to forced liquidation for 2021
- Pricing information on goods
- Special tax regime
- top 20 questions
- web-журнал
Additional menu
Information resources
- Reference Books
- Reference for EEA
- Lists of taxpayers
- Generating a QR-code
- Tax reporting forms
- Helplines
- Taxation of non-residents
- Use of POS-terminals
- Labeling of fur products
- Rehabilitation and bankruptcy
- Payment Deferral on Imports from Third Countries
- Статистика по обработке налоговых заявлений на регистрацию ККМ
Еlectronic services
- Taxpayer Search
- Vehicle Tax Calculation
- Upcoming payments for individuals| State revenue committee Ministry of finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Online queue booking
- Information on absence (presence) of tax debts
- Search taxpayers who are eligible for privilege
- Unreliable Taxpayers Search
- Registry of VAT Payers
- Express help
- Control of Check Verification for Compliance to the Registration Number of a Check-out Machine
- Search of a Taxpayer that is at the Stage of Liquidation
- Search of taxpayers, which transactions (operations) are carried out without the actual performance of works, services rendering or goods shipment
- Input and printing of payment document forms
- Taxpayer's Account
- Accompanying Documents on Petroleum Products
- Accompanying Documents on Alcoholic Products
- Автоматизированная система таможенного и налогового администрирования АСТАНА-1
- Individual Income Tax Calculation
- Penalty Calculation
- Preliminary information "WEB-Declarant"
- Registry of VAT Payers
- API - интерфейс предоставления налоговой задолженности ИС "ЦУЛС"
- API service for receiving tax reporting forms
- API «Сервис по предоставлению информации об уплаченных суммах на лицевом счете налогоплательщика»
- Search returned notification
- Online payment of taxes and other payments to the budget
- Сhecking payment check
- API - «Сервис по приему заявлений излишне (ошибочно) оплаченных сумм налогов»
- Information on the suspension (extension, resumption) of the submission of tax returns and on the withdrawal of tax returns
- The degree of risk of the taxpayer according to the results of categorization
- API «Сервис по начислениям на налогоплательщика: земля, имущество, транспорт»