Regional forum of the World Customs Organization on Free Economic Zones
In the period from 15 to 17 May 2019, a regional forum of the World Customs Organization on Free Economic Zones (FEZs) is held in the city of Nursultan.
The Forum was attended by representatives of more than 30 customs services of the member countries of the World Customs Organization, USAID, the European Commission, EEC, representatives of government agencies, as well as representatives of FEZs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The theme of the Forum meets the needs and priorities of ongoing work on trade facilitation and customs control in FEZs operating in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Noting the positive effect from the activities of FEZs, he noted also the current challenges, the solution of which is essential for the healthy development of FEZs and trade facilitation.
Deputy Chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Beyspekov Umirzak made a report and said that with the adoption of the new EAEU Customs Code, many problematic issues in the free economic zones were resolved and the requirements for them were brought in line with international customs standards.
U. Beyspekov also noted that the order of the organization of FEZs was significantly simplified. According to amendments to the Law “On Special economic zones in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the competence to create them is entrusted to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A number of provisions have been introduced that provide for a significant simplification of export-import and customs operations for participants and administrations of free economic zones. Favorable conditions for customs procedures have been introduced, such as the priority of electronic declaring, shortening the time for goods to be released, and a “Post Factum” customs clearance regime has been introduced, which involves the release of goods before the customs declaration is submitted. All these measures have been taken in order to ensure continuity of production processes in the territories of free economic zones.
FEZs are an important tool of state economic policy, within which there is an opportunity to create a more attractive investment climate and favorable conditions for the development of a particular industry, which in turn leads to an increase in export potential.
The algorithm of the Forum included a plenary session and a number of thematic sessions, on the agenda of which were included such key issues as the economic advantages of the FEZs, the improvement of customs control procedures, the national experience of the countries participating in the World Customs Organization to administer the activities of the FEZs.
The Director of the WCO Compliance and Facilitation Department, Anna B. Khinohosa, participated in the Forum, who during the plenary session highly appreciated the work of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the promotion and development of international trade, by facilitating trade procedures and improving the efficiency of customs control.
The thematic sessions were a productive dialogue platform for sharing existing national experience in administering the activities of FEZs, experience of interaction between the customs service, the operators of FEZs and companies operating in such territories, as well as developing new tools for trade facilitation and control, minimizing the risks of violation legislation and economic losses.
The results of the Forum will give a new impetus to the successful development of the FEZs, the result of which will be achievement of the goals set for the infrastructure and economic development of the industries and regions located in these zones.
State Revenue Committee
Ministry of Finance of the RK
(Zhenis avenue, 11)