Date of publication: 30.11.2021 15:16
Date of changing: 30.11.2021 15:29
По уведомлениям от ИС ЕСУТД (МТСЗН РК), направляемые через web-приложение Кабинет налогоплательщика

Dear Taxpayers!

The State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan draws your attention to the fact that notifications from the USAEC (MLSPP RK) sent through the "Taxpayer's cabinet web application" will not affect the determination of the taxpayer's risk level, since their source is not the state revenue authorities.

At the same time, according to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, these notifications are informative.

For any questions that arise, you should contact the State Labor Inspectorate of your region, or Call-center 1414 (tone button 4).